xr86yp295m Forex Leader: 07/05/09

July is a crazy month !

July 5, 2009 yet again not so many minutes later…


Didn’t I tell you that July was a crazy month?

Some of you are facing a 10,000 $ profit right in your face right now. Less than one week of work, this is too good.

If you’re not convinced, I’m posting these figures in real time so anyone can check their charts to see I’m not making anything up. It just works….

Trending, trending

July 5, 21:37 a few minutes later, and it doesn't stop !

Look :

Do you realize that these are MINI lots here? Those of you who trade standard lots have 9,000$ (that's NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS)in front of your screen right now (double if you're trading in euros!) and these trades where only taken since last Monday, so not even a WEEK old !

Dear God....

July 5, a bit later

It's currently 21:26....

Look at this! Tell me why anyone would want to do anything else than trade forex ??? The dance continues...

Trending away

July 5, 2009

Welcome back on board!

Our trending platform closed Friday at +547 and it's currently up at +704 an hour and a half after market open :

Great week ahead!