June 15, 2009
Another trading week is behind us! The last 2 days were rather quiet and I've had some problems with both my broker disconnecting at crucial times and for much longer periods than usual, and with my internet provider disconnecting me from the WORLD on a regular basis this week in the evenings. I hope they get their act together because I don't appreciate this at all (I phoned them but they said I had some "noise" on my line and needed to have a tech come by (visit costs 50$)) but this is impossible according to a friend because noise tends to be random, and the disconnects were pretty much "on time" every night... Anyway, I'll see what happens.
In the meantime, I took a pic of my very last trade for the week, eurgbp. This one has been good since the beginning of June with a long, a short, a long and now a baby short (there's even 1 good for about +100 before that but my screen isn't wide enough to include it).
If you took these trades and managed them wisely, you raked in between 400 and 500 pips, which in reality you need to multiply by 1.65 because eurgbp's pips are worth that, so between 660 and 825 and this is one of the least volatile pairs !
I've put a trailing stop there, as you can see of 15 pips.
I turned off some pairs a fews days ago as I mentioned, but if you didn't then your last trade would be usdjpy.
Alright, that's it for now. Wishing you all a happy Friday night!